
Sustainable Diets Special – October Community Meet-up

Sustainable Diets Special – October Community Meet-up
Big thanks to Ali Morpeth for her update yesterday on the world of sustainable diets, the good, the bad and actions we can take. If you’d like to understand more about how health and sustainability policies, levers and drivers can influence the future of your business, Ali runs a 2-hour masterclass on this topic with plenty of opportunity for deeper conversations and discussion.
Ali took us on a tour of the latest media noise on sustainable diets, which she bucketed into five key themes:
  1.  Business leadership
  2.  Shareholder and investor pressure
  3.  Health-washing
  4.  Meat and dairy
  5.  Political engagement
In positive news….  

To read more, log in using your Community Log in.


Fighting for the future whilst in the day job is hard— especially in the food industry.

Raise your profile, amplify your voice and connect with your peers and people trying to solve the same problems, get inspired and feel part of a genuine community. How can we at Future Food Movement support you? This is a safe, confidential space to ask any questions, share wins big or small and crowd source solutions and ideas to make even more impact!

Want to share something ahead of the session? Let us know​

We welcome participants from our previous session to please return and expand on the questions and concerns raised in the previous session. We strongly encourage new faces to join this month’s session as well, don’t miss out and register now!

Open to FFM Community Members only. Join our business membership community here.

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