
‘This is the most important thing that I have done in my career’

Future Food Movement is built on partnerships with those people who are not scared to be bold, want to make a difference right now and inspire future generations to come.

We are proud to be working with Gizzi – she is passionate about building a future of food that is sustainable and accessible to all and she is huge supporter of The Movement.

“I want to call out anyone who is even remotely excited by this conversation to get with it, to step up, to push boundaries, to be progressive. This is the most important thing I have done in my career. I hope that I can inspire the next generation and the old school of food to stick with this and move forward together.” Gizzi Erskine, Chef, Food Writer and Future Movement Ambassador.

Gizzi shares with us why she is a long-term Ally of Future Food Movement. She gives you an insight into what The Movement is and why it means so much to her.
