
Your FFM Community Calendar

Coming back from Easter and feeling a bit lost with what the #FFM is going on?! 🤯⁠

We’ve got your back! 😎⁠

Here are all of our upcoming events for the next few weeks. Make sure to register now using the links below.

➡️ No Nature No Food: A Crisis We Can’t Ignore ⁠

➡️ Accelerator ⁠

➡️ Ask the Expert: How To Eat for a 1.5 Degree World (Community Members only)⁠

➡️ Category Marketing Climate Accelerator⁠

Or email us to book:⁠

Spots are going quick! ⏳⁠

Don’t get left behind and future-proof your career with climate skills. Every job is Climate job 🌎💪⁠
