
The latest from Future Food Movement: July Newsletter

The latest from Future Food Movement: July Newsletter

As we go into our summer break for August, here’s the latest Future Food Movement newsletter; a jam-packed climate upskilling schedule, inspiration for future thinking, and the latest from the food and climate world.

We can’t wait to kick things back off in September starting with a Community Huddle on the 5th, and Katie Allen’s Ask the Expert Session on the 7th.

Please get in touch if you’d like to join Sainsbury’s, Premier Foods, Bord Bia, Moy Park, Oddbox, Quorn Foods and many more organisations in becoming a Future Food Movement Business Member to help your colleagues close their climate skills gap. 


The Changing Markets Foundation recently released a report called “Feeding us Greenwash – an analysis of misleading claims in the food sector”. It called out 54 cases that fell foul of the UK Competition and Market Authority’s (CMA) Green Claims Code

We are at risk of either greenwashing, or, staying quiet about the progress we are making as we strive towards Net Zero targets – Future Food Movement wanted to find out what our Youth Advisory Board thought about Greenwashing and Transparency – and could they challenge, explore and discuss with our Business Members how the industry can be transparent in a competitive space.



To access the full Newsletter, email us to SIGN UP TO OUR NEWSLETTER OR join Future Food Movement as a Member.