
The evolving sphere of influence

The evolving sphere of influence

The evolving sphere of influence!

Henry Dimbleby, who has advised the UK Government towards a more nutritious and sustainable future of food through the National Food Strategy, shared his outrage via Twitter, after spotting this advert from KitKat launching their new “nutritious” breakfast cereal.

The cereal, titled as nutritious, has 7.4g of sugar per 30g serving, equivalent to 8% of the daily recommended intake.

In response, KitKat have now withdrawn the nutritious claim from the cereal in order to avoid false claims and be transparent to consumers.

Want to learn more about how to identify and avoid greenwashing? Watch our Masterclass with Communications Expert Amy Kull “Recognising and Avoiding Greenwashing” to gain the confidence you need to actively avoid Greenwashing in your food and drink marketing. FFM Members watch now here.

Still worried about greenwashing? Email us if you’d like us to alert you to our upcoming panel discussion on greenwashing and how to communicate with impact.

Amy’s “Recognising & Avoiding Greenwashing” Masterclass is part of FFM’s Community events; a library of Climate Upskilling events hosted by our experts and available to watch live and on demand, to boost your climate confidence and learn how to actively engage in climate action inside and out of your organisation.

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