Regen Agri Special September Community Meet-up

Great to see you all this morning at this month’s community huddle and big thanks to Charlie Curtis for her update on the world of regen ag and what’s been happening at farm level
Some soundbites from our session:  

The UK had an amazing start but the crops were super stressed in the heat in July which created a huge challenge in keeping crops watered – in Norfolk we had to irrigate cereal crops which is unheard of. The crops grew very tall so when the August wind and rain arrived, it caused “lodging” when they fall over – this reduces the yield by up to 70%. Lodging also means the wheat becomes degraded as it loses its good content. Resulted in a very bad summer and means we will see shortages on the shelves.  

In positive news….  

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Fighting for the future whilst in the day job is hard— especially in the food industry.

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Want to share something ahead of the session? Let us know​

We welcome participants from our previous session to please return and expand on the questions and concerns raised in the previous session. We strongly encourage new faces to join this month’s session as well, don’t miss out and register now!

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