Chris operates a diverse farming venture in Kent, focusing on beef cattle, lamb, and goats. His early life involved living on a family farm until the age of 12, after which he moved to live with his mother following his father's passing. Despite initially pursuing a career as a gas engineer after leaving school, Chris felt a strong pull back to farming after contracting a nearly fatal virus abroad.
Facing the challenge that his father's land wasn't available for rent, Chris embarked on an extensive search, and through determination and effort, he successfully leased a field and acquired 32 in-lamb ewes. Over the course of six years, his business has experienced steady growth, despite setbacks along the way. This year, he successfully managed the lambing of over 500 sheep, and his goat herd has expanded to over 100, along with a herd of 10 cows, spanning across Kent.
What changes do you want to see from the food industry in the transition to a sustainable system for nature, health and climate?
"I would love to see greater support for British farmers, improved food labelling, and a shift towards appreciating the value of food. Currently we work tirelessly seven days a week, juggling a side job and managing a YouTube channel, just to make ends meet. It would be great to invite members to step onto the farm, to see the pressure on what we have to do just to keep things alive."
What inspired you to agree to be part of our Farmer’s Advisory Board?
"Education is vital for all people in the supply chain, from consumers to buyers to manufacturers, to see just how little antibiotics we use in the UK, to understand how margin sharing could reap huge benefits in supporting British to secure a more resilient food supply."
Follow Chris:
Instagram - @thesuperseriousfarmer
YouTube - @thesuperseriousfarmer